...'The question that I worked with at the beach is one that has been with me for quite a while now and it was also my point of departure for the presentation I did at the AOC symposium.
How should I work in this world?
This question is not something specifically related to my art, but rather something that is part of my entire being in this world.
So then one might suggest that the question could be 'How should I be in this world?', but to be seems so final, whilst work implies a continuous doing. In the time after AOC on the beach, I've come to realise that there is another word that could change in my question, as to make it more workable, so at the moment it is: How might I work in this world?
Connecting things, people, ideas, impulses, myself to myself and to others, to the planet and to many other things. I have also been reading a bit of Deleuze and Guattari and have been making drawings to help me understand some of their work and this has in turn helped me
to understand my own questions more. Connecting is creating.
There are a few things that emerged on the beach, that I have been thinking about: the image of the little whole that you made on the sand and then connected to another little whole in the sand the suggestion that if one might be with the sand for long enough, one might start to understand what it is about one of the other participants was concerned about how to deal with
guilt. i've come to realise that i also struggle with this. why?! I don't understand, but its been good to identify that this problem exists intent...' By Lara
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